Amy’s Culinary Adventures

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Dinner Party 911: Kitchit Brings
Local Chefs Into Your Home
By Pure Wow Staff

Entertaining at home is one of our favorite pastimes, but sometimes we’d like to leave the cooking to someone else. Presto: Now we’ve got world-class restaurant and private chefs at our beck and call with Kitchit, a new online dining service.
It works like this: Determine your date and number of guests, then log in to Kitchit to browse among the dozens of top-tier chefs available. There’s Mark Gold of Eva restaurant, whose specialties include braised chicken with African spices; or Amy Jurist, famed locally for her underground foodie dinners, who’s proficient in everything from barbecue to vegan meals. And Bruce Barber, the Aussie chef who’s cooked for celebs such as Barbra Streisand, a whiz with tempura-battered lobster tail and truffled mashed potatoes.
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